Skift sprog



Beskrivelse af bygningen

4 etager

The Emily building consists of 4 floors.

The building has a shared storage area. Bikes can be parked in the courtyard.



  • Cykelparkering
  • Vaskerum
  • Betalt bilparkeing
  • Fælles opbevaringsrum

Om området

The Emily building is located on the Fredensgade in the middle of Aarhus' historic and iconic city centre, with it's small, narrow streets and crooked houses.

The water canal 'Aaen' is a stone's throw away and in summer this is the perfect spot to go for lunch, coffee break or hang out with friends after work. Within walking

Viser 2 ud af 16 enheder

LejemålStørrelseEtageVærelserLedighedMånedlig husleje
318 m²1. sal48.309,67 kr.
113 m²1. sal54.864,91 kr.